Tuesday, June 14, 2011

End of year Awards

Hi, we have reached the end of the school year and we want to recognise the hard work done by all students in this last period. Well done!
Looking forward to grade 7!

The End of Year Awards for Grade 6 will take place on Wednesday 15th at 1:00 in the PAC right after the Joya de Cerén lunch taking place in the LRC .
Our special congratulations to the
following students who will be receiving at least one Award during this assembly:

Alejandra Araniva
Alexia Janssen
Alvaro Antonio Corpeño
Ana Camila Guzmán
Ana Sofía González
Ana Sofía Rodríguez
Andrea Sofía González
Andrés Ernesto Dorcich
Andrés López macías
Annette Handal
Ariela María Cohen
Camila Beatriz Serrano
Carlos Arturo Velásquez
Carlos Benjamín Siguenza
Carmen Lorena Córdova
Daniel Alejandro Belloso
Daniel García Wilson
Daniela Villalobos Espinoza
Daisy Brown
Diego Alejandro Daura
Eduardo Alberto Portillo
Eugenio Alberto Calderón
Fiorella María Morales
Francesca Bianchi Borgonovo
Gabriela Zedán
Georgina Alexandra Castillo
Gladys Sofía Isart
Isabella Arce Pineda
Jorge Horan
José Alfredo Medina
José Antonio Palomo
José Eduardo Monterrosa
José Gabriel García-Prieto
José María Mejía
Julio José Díaz
María Fernanda Arteaga
María Fernanda Larín
María José Linares
Natalia Castaneda Vásquez
Paola Romero Harrison
Raziel Samara Galdámez
Regina Lucía Carbonell
Ricardo Castillo Chávez
Roberto Flores Tobar
Sabrina Grace Walker
Sofía Kim Choi
Valeria Palomo Lázaro
Víctor Hugo Salazar
Waldemar Landaverde
Ximena Nosthas Peraza